Who We Are

Hello beautiful souls! My name is Katia Fell, and I am the founder and owner of Heritage Custom Crafts, LLC. Since I was a child, I have been drawn to the spiritual side of life through nature, music and crafts. I spent hours in the woods behind my elementary school and my grandmother’s house looking for faeries, imagining stories of myth and magic from the landscapes of moss, trees and streams, and absorbing the energy of the natural world around me.

I have always believed in the immense power of the universe; if we are courageous enough to look a little more closely, all that it has to offer unfolds before us in amazing ways. This belief was the catalyst for developing Heritage Custom Crafts. I wanted to teach others how to use their hands to create from a place of imagination, intention, mindfulness and sacred space. We can reconnect with nature and the younger parts of ourselves through creativity as it helps us to remember the whimsy and playfulness of this magical life. I look forward to crafting with you!

Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.”

— Ralph Waldo Emerson